"I make your names permanent, like the heavens are enduring. As long as forever exists, you will eternally exist."
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·Magdolen, Dušan: The Development of the Sign of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshat Down to the End of the Old Kingdom: Analysis and Interpretation, Institute of Oriental Studies Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2005
·Schneider, Thomas: Das Schriftzeichen "Rosette" und die Göttin Seschat, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 24 (1997), 241-267
·Wainwright, Gerald Averay: Seshat and the pharaoh. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 26 (1940) 30-40
·Wainwright, Gerald Averay: Seshat's nš-shrine. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology25 (1939) 104